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Fix Tier 6 on the 6th! (of the month)
NYSUT is hosting a series of rallies across the state this winter and spring, the 6th of every month. Join NYSUT, other union members and elected officials as we stand in solidarity to Fix Tier 6!

The Latest 2025 UPDATE

Thanks to your activism we won the biggest win for pension reform in 20 years — lowering the Final Average Salary calculation from five to three years for Tiers 5 & 6 members!

Now, an average of Tier 6 members’ last three salary years, instead of their last five salary years, will determine their lifetime pension payments. 

The new calculation means Tier 6 members will receive a bigger pension check, every month, for life. Individual situations will vary, but this works out to around $100,000 more in lifetime retirement earnings!

What's Next

While we got these big victories, we're not done yet.

 We're systematically tackling the next issues that will make a difference.

Our goal is to get our Tier 5 and 6 members to parity with Tier 4 members, in both contributions and retirement age. 

The most important thing right now is that our lawmakers remember this is a top issue. As this year's legislative session progresses, we'll be keeping you updated on specific actions. 

What's this about?

It’s been over a decade since Tier 6 became part of the New York state pension system. Since then, over 100,000 NYSUT members earn a significantly reduced pension as compared to earlier tiers. Consider this:

  • Tier 6 members pay 3 to 6 percent of their salaries into the pension system their entire career — and their contributions grow with pay raises.
  • Tier 4 member contributions are capped at 3 percent and end after 10 years.
  • Tier 6 members must work to age 63, up to 40 years of service, or face heavy penalties.
  • Tier 4 members can retire at 55 with 30 years of service.

How bad is it?

Tier 6 member

  • Retiring at 55 with 30 years, would only receive 26.4 percent of his Final Average Salary — after paying tens of thousands more into the system.
  • Can’t retire and collect his pension, without facing heavy penalties, until he’s 63.

Tier 4 member

  • Retiring at 55 with 30 years, would receive 60 percent of her Final Average Salary. 
  • Can retire and collect her pension, penalty free, with 30 years of service at 55 years old.

Why does this matter?

Fixing Tier 6 is about solidarity and fairness.

It’s unfair that some NYSUT members must work longer, and contribute more, to earn a significantly reduced pension. This should anger ALL union members. 

Fixing Tier 6 is about dignity.

The hallmark of a public-service career is the promise of a dignified retirement. With Tier 6, the state abandons its commitment to that guarantee. 

Fixing Tier 6 is about keeping talented educators in the classroom and recruiting new educators into the profession.

Forcing younger members into a lesser pension system undervalues our profession. Our work is important. Our pensions should reflect that. 

Fixing Tier 6 is about unity and power.

When we stand together in solidarity, we have power. By staying united, we’ve made big changes before. We can do it again. 


Join the Fight for Fairness!

Sign up to receive updates on how you can get involved in our mission to Fix Tier 6. We will be in touch with updates and actions you can take.


It’s unfair that some NYSUT members must work longer, and contribute more, to earn a significantly reduced pension. What affects one union member affects us all.


The hallmark of a public-service career is the promise of a dignified retirement. With Tier 6, the state abandons its commitment to that guarantee.